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Apollo Distribution Solutions are fully committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and clients. We also accept that we have responsibilities for others whom our undertaking may affect. The company recognises and accepts its responsibilities to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain a safe, healthy workplace under all relevant statutory requirements and codes of practice. We will take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times.
The company ensures, so far as is reasonably practical, provision and maintenance of safe and healthy working conditions and procedures, premises, equipment, place of work and access thereto, for all employees. The company also pledges to make arrangements ensuring safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances and, furthermore, to provide training, information and supervision to ensure the health and safety at work of employees and others.
We give employees such information, instructions and training as is necessary for safe performance of work activities. Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees to raise issues relating to health and safety. We will appoint competent people to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the organisation. Every employee has a legal responsibility to co-operate with the company in order to comply with all statutory duties. Each individual has a legal duty to take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety and for the safety of other people who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions.
If you require any further assistance please contact us here